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External memory in a sentence

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Sentence count:15Posted:2021-05-17Updated:2021-05-17
Similar words: external auditory canalvirtual memoryextended memoryexternalexternallyexternalismexternalityexternal ear
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1. The hardware chapter introduces the external memory module and video I/O module, programs video-driver for the DM642 by using CSL, discuss the applications of interrupt and direct memory access (DMA).
2. External memory is used for long term storage of information that is not in use.
3. The external memory bus may be isolated from MCU and the bus is released to the DMA controller.
4. They are also sometimes called internal memory and external memory respectively.
5. It takes external memory cards and USB flash drives, so you can project any stuff directly on these portable memory storage.
6. Data transfer between internal memory and external memory are bottlenecks in improving DSP performance.
7. This new external memory equipment is very safe and reliable.
8. Without modifying the architecture of the external memory bus, the MCS51 MCU always occupies the bus.
9. The problem to increase the capacity of external memory is discussed in this paper, and the conjectures of layered CD MO and mass memory made of self organizing material, are also presented.
10. It has no extension ports for external memory like SD or micro SD cards.
11. Four or two shows left external memory or internal memory address, the right two display memory contents.
12. In microcomputer application system, the bus is usually used to realize information memory and exchange between CPU and external memory or between CPU and I/O interface.
13. The invention discloses an image filtering process method, which solves the problem of low bandwidth efficiency of an external memory during image scaling.
13. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
14. ThereAre two kinds of memory: the internal memory and the external Memory.
15. This paper also introduces the system software development environment and the correlative driver designs. And it gives the video sampling module and the external memory module testing software OSS.
More similar words: external auditory canalvirtual memoryextended memoryexternalexternallyexternalismexternalityexternal earexternalizeexternal debtexternal auditexternal tradeexternal imageexternal driveexternal deviceexternal benefitsexternal circuitexternal storageexternalizationexternal capitalexternal auditorinternal medicineexternal carotid arteryexternal pressureexternal financingexternal economiesexternal dimensionexternal referenceexternal reportingexternal respiration
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